News and Updates

SMOLTrack news and updates since the project began…

East Greenland expedition 2023 March 25, 2024 - In September 2023, the SMOLTRACK team returned to Eastern Greenland in hopes of catching some nice-looking salmon at their natural feeding grounds.
East Greenland Expedition 2021 November 14, 2023 - The first Smoltrack pilot study took off in September 2021, to explore the possibilities of catching and sampling data from salmon in the remote waters of East Greenland.
SMOLTrack meeting Portugal June 13, 2023 - The SMOLTrack team met in Monção, Portugal on the River Minho in June 2023, to discuss their ongoing work tracking salmon from rivers into the North Atlantic and back.
River Erriff – Getting ready for smolt season March 31, 2020 - Acoustic telemetry IFI is getting ready to deploy acoustic receivers in River Errif and Killary harbour to track migrating Atlantic salmon smolts.
River Bush new infrastructure – PIT stations March 31, 2020 - The smolt trap at River Bush has been equipped with a PIT station, capable of detecting both the smolts on their way to the sea, and also the adults once they return!
River Erriff – Environmental parameters February 29, 2020 - Weather and temperature stations These stations keep track of the environmental conditions in the rivers, and will play an important role in the results of the Work Package 3!
Fresh from the press! January 31, 2020 - Published results Marine mortality in the river? Atlantic salmon smolts under high predation pressure in the last kilometres of a river monitored for stock assessment Learn more
Tagging – First results! May 31, 2019 - Recovered tags Recovering radio tags allows us to directly link the smolt predation to the predator. In this case, our smolt was eaten by a mammal, most likely an otter. Other common predators are herons, cormorants and bigger fish!
Fieldwork season begins! April 30, 2019 - Radio tracking The SMOLTRACK fieldwork season started and all our partners are out in the field, looking for the tagged Atlantic salmon smolts!
Year of the Salmon February 28, 2019 - Team video In the International Year of the Salmon, SMOLTRACK’s goal is even more pertinent.
Preparing this year’s work February 13, 2019 - Team meeting The SMOLTRACK partners came together in Dublin, Ireland, to discuss the way forward and set this year’s plans in motion! Learn more in IFI’s press release. New research shows young salmon survival is surprisingly low when migrating to sea New research shows young salmon survival is surprisingly low when migrating to sea Inland Fisheries …
Fresh from the press! December 13, 2018 - Published results A good part of the smolts migrating out of river Skjern faces difficulties in finding their way to the sea. When testing different groups of smolts, our team found that naturalised smolts were more likely to survive the fjord crossing. An unexpected result! Naturalised Atlantic salmon smolts are more likely to reach the …
Fieldwork season is up April 30, 2018 - Hydrophone deployment Before the smolt run begins, the SMOLTRACK partners must set up the equipment. After deploying all the hydrophones, our partners will capture, tag, release and follow the Atlantic salmon smolts during their migration to the sea!
Preparing the logistics of this year’s fieldwork March 31, 2018 - Team meeting The SMOLTRACK partners came together in Galicia, Spain, to discuss the way forward and set this year’s plans in motion!
Discussing the results November 30, 2017 - Team meeting After the fieldwork season has passed and the results were analysed, the SMOLTRACK partners came together in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to discuss the results. SMOLTRACK Meeting held at AFBI SMOLTRACK is a European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) funded project quantifying Atlantic salmon mortality during the early part of the outward migration as juveniles …